本文共 12651 字,大约阅读时间需要 42 分钟。
1、把测试代码拆分成四部分,分别放在不同的文件夹 配置文件.gitlab.yml参考:stages: - test - resultPart_one: stage: test script: - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env" ]; then mkdir -p ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env; fi - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then cd ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/ && python3 -m venv $CI_PROJECT_NAME; fi - source ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/bin/activate - pip install --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ -r $CI_PROJECT_DIR/requirements.txt - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - if [ ! -d "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs" ]; then mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs; fi - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/request.log - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/biotools.log - echo $CI_JOB_ID >job_id.txt - python manage.py runscript check_test_database_migrations --traceback --settings=base_settings - coverage run -p manage.py test app.tests.part_one --noinput --settings=base_settings --debug-mode --keepdb - python manage.py runscript rename_database --traceback --settings=base_settings - python manage.py runscript remove_testdb --traceback --settings=base_settings retry: 2 artifacts: untracked: true name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" expire_in: 1 weekPart_two: stage: test script: - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env" ]; then mkdir -p ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env; fi - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then cd ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/ && python3 -m venv $CI_PROJECT_NAME; fi - source ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/bin/activate - pip install --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ -r $CI_PROJECT_DIR/requirements.txt - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - if [ ! -d "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs" ]; then mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs; fi - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/request.log - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/biotools.log - echo $CI_JOB_ID >job_id.txt - python manage.py runscript check_test_database_migrations --traceback --settings=base_settings - coverage run -p manage.py test app.tests.part_two --noinput --settings=base_settings --debug-mode --keepdb - python manage.py runscript remove_testdb --traceback --settings=base_settings retry: 2 artifacts: untracked: true name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" expire_in: 1 weekPart_three: stage: test script: - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env" ]; then mkdir -p ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env; fi - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then cd ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/ && python3 -m venv $CI_PROJECT_NAME; fi - source ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/bin/activate - pip install --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ -r $CI_PROJECT_DIR/requirements.txt - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - if [ ! -d "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs" ]; then mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs; fi - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/request.log - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/biotools.log - echo $CI_JOB_ID >job_id.txt - python manage.py runscript check_test_database_migrations --traceback --settings=base_settings - coverage run -p manage.py test app.tests.part_three --noinput --settings=base_settings --debug-mode --keepdb - python manage.py runscript remove_testdb --traceback --settings=base_settings retry: 2 artifacts: untracked: true name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" expire_in: 1 weekPart_four: stage: test script: - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env" ]; then mkdir -p ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env; fi - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then cd ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/ && python3 -m venv $CI_PROJECT_NAME; fi - source ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/bin/activate - pip install --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ -r $CI_PROJECT_DIR/requirements.txt - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - if [ ! -d "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs" ]; then mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs; fi - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/request.log - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/biotools.log - echo $CI_JOB_ID >job_id.txt - python manage.py runscript check_test_database_migrations --traceback --settings=base_settings - coverage run -p manage.py test app.tests.part_four --noinput --settings=base_settings --debug-mode --keepdb - python manage.py runscript remove_testdb --traceback --settings=base_settings retry: 2 artifacts: untracked: true name: "$CI_JOB_NAME" expire_in: 1 weekresult: stage: result script: - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env" ]; then mkdir -p ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env; fi - if [ ! -d "~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME" ]; then cd ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/ && python3 -m venv $CI_PROJECT_NAME; fi - source ~/$CI_RUNNER_DESCRIPTION/env/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/bin/activate - pip install --trusted-host mirrors.aliyun.com -i http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ coverage - cd $CI_PROJECT_DIR - if [ ! -d "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs" ]; then mkdir -p $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs; fi - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/request.log - touch $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs/biotools.log - coverage combine --append - coverage report dependencies: - Part_one - Part_two - Part_three - Part_four
减少数据库迁移的次数的具体做法是把测试用到的sqlite数据库文件放在/dev/shm/目录下,每条管道运行测试代码之前,先在/dev/shm/目录下用job id创建一个文件夹,job id是每个job运行时唯一的id,可以查阅gitlab的官方文档了解更多,把sqlite数据库复制一份到新建的文件夹里面,再运行测试代码。运行测试代码的语句是:
coverage run -p manage.py test app.tests.part_one --noinput --settings=base_settings --debug-mode --keepdb
check_test_database_migrations.py# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import loggingimport osimport sqlite3import sysimport base_settingsimport shutilimport osimport statfrom django.conf import settings__author__ = 'JayChen'logger = logging.getLogger('scripts')def read_text(): """ 读取文件中的job_id :return: """ with open(settings.PROJECT_PATH + '/job_id.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): job_id = line.strip() return job_iddef remove_db_files(): logger.info("model有更新,删除本地数据库") for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/dev/shm', topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) job_id = read_text() os.mkdir("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id)) if os.path.exists("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id)): logger.info('文件夹-------' + "/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id) + '------创建成功')def coppy_and_rename(): job_id = read_text() new_file_name = '/dev/shm/test_{}/vb_en.test_{}.db.sqlite3'.format(job_id, job_id) # 文件新名字 origin_path = '/dev/shm/vb_en.test.db.sqlite3' # 原始文件完整目录 # 数据库文件存在 if os.path.exists(origin_path): if os.path.exists("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id)): logger.info('文件夹-------' + "/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id) + '------创建成功') shutil.copy(origin_path, new_file_name) os.chmod(new_file_name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) logger.info('复制数据库并重新命名为:--------' + new_file_name.split('/')[4] + '------------') else: os.mkdir("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id)) logger.info('文件夹-------' + "/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id) + '------创建成功') shutil.copy(origin_path, new_file_name) os.chmod(new_file_name, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO) logger.info('复制数据库并重新命名为:--------' + new_file_name.split('/')[4] + '------------') else: logger.info('找不到数据库源文件') if os.path.exists("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id)): for root, dirs, files in os.walk("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id), topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) else: os.mkdir("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id)) logger.info('文件夹-------' + "/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id) + '------创建成功') for i, j, k in os.walk('/dev/shm'): print(i, j, k)def check_migrations(): base_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) migrations_data = [] if os.path.exists('/dev/shm/vb_en.test.db.sqlite3'): try: conn = sqlite3.connect('/dev/shm/vb_en.test.db.sqlite3') migrations_data = conn.cursor().execute("select name from django_migrations where app='app'").fetchall() conn.close() data_length = len(migrations_data) migrations_files = [] for f in os.listdir(base_settings.PROJECT_PATH + '/app/migrations'): if f.endswith('.py') and f != '__init__.py': migrations_files.append(f) files_length = len(migrations_files) if data_length != files_length: remove_db_files() else: for m in migrations_data: if m[0] + '.py' not in migrations_files: remove_db_files() except sqlite3.OperationalError: logger.info('读取本地数据库失败') coppy_and_rename() else: coppy_and_rename()def run(*args): logger.info('Start checking the test database migrations file.') logger.info(args) check_migrations() logger.info('End checking.')'''./manage.py runscript check_test_database_migrations --traceback --settings=base_settings --script-args=one'''
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import osimport loggingfrom django.conf import settings__author__ = 'JayChen'logger = logging.getLogger('scripts')def read_text(): """ 读取文件中的job_id :return: """ with open(settings.PROJECT_PATH + '/job_id.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): job_id = line.strip() return job_iddef remove_db(): # 清空文件夹里面的文件,再删除文件夹 job_id = read_text() for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/dev/shm/test_{}'.format(job_id), topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, name)) os.rmdir("/dev/shm/test_{}".format(job_id))def remove_db_history(): """ job_id 是从小排到大的,只保留最近的20个文件夹 清理gitlab上运行失败后留下的数据库文件夹和文件 """ job_id = read_text() job_id = int(round(float(job_id) - 20, 0)) filePath = '/dev/shm' name_list = os.listdir(filePath) for name in name_list: if os.path.isfile('/dev/shm/' + name): """ 如果是文件而不是文件夹,则跳过,因为这个文件就是我用于复制到其他文件夹的数据库 """ continue else: data = int(round(float(name.split('_')[1]), 0)) if data < job_id: for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/dev/shm/{}'.format(name), topdown=False): for file in files: os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) for dir in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(root, dir)) os.rmdir("/dev/shm/{}".format(name)) else: continuedef run(): logger.info('删除测试数据库') remove_db() remove_db_history()'''./manage.py runscript remove_testdb --traceback --settings=base_settings'''
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import osimport loggingimport shutilfrom django.conf import settings__author__ = 'JayChen'logger = logging.getLogger('scripts')def read_text(): """ 读取文件中的job_id :return: """ with open(settings.PROJECT_PATH + '/job_id.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): job_id = line.strip() return job_iddef move_and_rename(): job_id = read_text() origin_path = '/dev/shm/test_{}/vb_en.test_{}.db.sqlite3'.format(job_id, job_id) new_file_name = '/dev/shm/vb_en.test.db.sqlite3' if os.path.exists(origin_path): shutil.copy(origin_path, new_file_name) logger.info('更新数据库文件') else: passdef run(): move_and_rename()'''./manage.py runscript rename_database --traceback --settings=base_settings'''
if os.path.exists(PROJECT_PATH + '/job_id.txt'): # 读取文件中的job_id, gitlab上每条管道的job_id, 这个id是唯一的 with open(PROJECT_PATH + '/job_id.txt', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): job_id = line.strip() TEST_SQLITE_PREFIX = '/dev/shm/test_{}/vb_en.test_{}.db'.format(job_id, job_id)else: TEST_SQLITE_PREFIX = 'vb_en_testdb'DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': TEST_SQLITE_PREFIX + '.sqlite3', 'TEST': { 'NAME': TEST_SQLITE_PREFIX + '.sqlite3' }, 'OPTIONS': { 'timeout': 20, } }}